“Wear Sew Smart” is a community service initiative to donate doll dresses sewn by teenage identical twin sisters to preschools, starting with our alma mater, Developmental Disabilities Institute (DDI) Starting Early in Huntington, NY. We were born at 31 weeks gestation, after surviving twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. We weighed 2 and 3 pounds and were placed in the NICU for months. Our toddler years consisted of Early Intervention ABA services, speech, occupational and physical therapies, after we were both diagnosed with PDD-NOS. DDI was the foundation of our remarkable educational journey. The educators at this special education preschool were first rate and we graduated their program with significantly improved speech and physical abilities. Although still delayed, we continued our journey with the Half Hollow Hills School District, where we have transitioned into inclusion classes. By the time we were in fourth grade, we had been placed in all general education courses, eventually becoming top of our class and receiving numerous medals at the middle school Science Olympiad competition. In Half Hollow Hills High School West, we both currently excel in our AP courses, are on high honor roll, continue winning medals in Science Olympiad, participate in Quiz Bowl, and are active members of the Environmental Club and WISE (Women in Science and Engineering). Out of school, we both enjoy sewing lessons, volunteering at the Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary, and are in 2 groups for teenagers with our synagogue (USY and JAM- Jews Advocating Mitzvot). I, Jordyn love reading and visiting art museums. I, Hayley love studying invertebrates, especially nudibranchs. We both love anime, photography and drawing. Although we are both passionate about not recalling our younger years, we are honored to donate our doll dresses. Our goal is to inspire educators who work with children on the Autism Spectrum, as well as their parents, demonstrating that therapies and autism treatment methodologies have truly helped us become who we are today.